Harga Jual
Rp. 14 Juta
Luas Bangunan: 105 M2Kamar Tidur: 3Kamar Mandi: 2Apartment Name: Taman RasunaLocation: Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kuningan Jakarta SelatanTower/Floor/View: 15/05/EpiwalkSize: 105Bedroom: 3Bathroom: 2Maid Bathroom: 1Condition:Furnished conditionCleanJust being RepaintedLow levelNuce and cozzyFacility: Tennis court, jogging trackAdditional Info:Price is including service chargePrice excluding water and electricityPayment in advance is required, plus 1 month DepositRental Price: Rp 14.000.000 /bulanContact: 0859-3247-0447(Revan farendra)WhatsApp: 085932470447ID:808#apartemenbaru #apartementerlaris #apartementerbaru #apartemendisewa #apartemenjakartaselatan #apartemensetiabudi #apartemenmentengatas